Vic Payne Studio


"A Leaf on a Stream"

"Across the Raging Red" ( Sold out edition, #9/50 just came available on the 2ndary Art Market.)

"Ancient Hunter" - Maquette & Masterwork

"Another Year to Grow" - Maquette

"Braveheart" - Masterwork, 2nd Market Resale (Sold Out Edition)

"By the Cover of Moonlight"

"Call of the Greasy Grass"

"Changin' Range"

"Chief Plenty Coups"

"Circle the Wagons"

"Cornucopia Winds"

"Far Side of the Mountains"

"Fire on the Mountain"

"Fly Fishing"

"Giants of the Northern Forests"

"Good Ole Days"

"Hidden Treasure" - 2nd Market Resale

"In the Land of the Wild and Lonesome" #22/50 by Vic Payne

"Into the Wild" ~ John Fremont and Kit Carson

"Jedediah Smith - The Pathfinder"

"Keeper of the Homeland" - Maquette

"Long Trail Home" - 2nd Market Resale (#19/35 has recently come up on the secondary art market, call our studio office for more information on this amazing sold out sculpture.)


"Old Man Winter" Maquette #26/50 - This is one of my favorite sculptures Vic created years ago and one just came available on the 2ndary art market.

"On the Trail of Long Knives" - Last one

"One Stormy Day" #23/50 - Recently came on the 2ndary Art Market.

"Out on a Limb"

"Overland Express"

"Restless in Santa Fe" (Limited Ed. #19 recently came on the 2ndary art market. Call our studio office for more information on this breathtaking bronze.)

"Sacred Passage"

"September Morning"

"Sunrise on the Canadian"

"Texas Two Step"

"The Capture of John Colter"

"The Charge"

"The Contender"

"The Gift" ~ Premier Platinum Winner, 2013 Annual Buffalo Bill Art Show & Sale

"The Hunter Becomes the Hunted" - Maquette & Masterwork / A Maquette & Masterwork is available on the Resale Market

"The North Winds of Chisholm"

"The Partners"

"Trail Boss"

"Train Wreck"

"Where Eagles Dare"

"Where the Buffalo Roam" - Small fountain

"Yukon Encounter" by Vic Payne